Carib DAO (CARIB) is available on PancakeSwap, DexView, CoinBrain, and BitGet Wallet!

Let your CARIB work for you!

From Casual (passive) to Hype (active), there are many ways to earn with your CARIB

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Swap, hold, and earn. Earn CARIB tokens simply by holding CARIB tokens in your wallet.

Each CARIB token transfer attracts a 2% fee that is automatically distributed amongst CARIB holders proportionately. 

Buy CARIB on PancakeSwap →

Stake your CARIB tokens with your favorite tokens on PancakeSwap to earn trading fees.

Members get full control of their assets with no lockup requirements or limits.

ie. Earn CAKE with our Cake:CARIB pool on PancakeSwap →.

Join the CARIB Liquidity Pools of BNB, BTC, and USDT.

CARIB tokens for this pool must be purchased from the treasury. With a max allocation of 27 pool positions, this opportunity is fading fast.

Contact the team on Discord → to participate.

Earn CARIB by delegating tokens to active community members (voters). 

Coming soon...

For help and information:


Earn CARIB tokens, BNB, NFTs, and more while gaming with the community.

Join our Web3 Gaming Guild to start earning from various play-to-earn games and participate in weekly free-to-play tournaments on Discord with member benefits.

Join us on Discord →

Earn CARIB by voting on DAO proposals!

Current Voting Reward: 4.20%

Vote now →

Are you a Content Creator?

Earn Hive and various Hive tokens by creating blogs, articles, videos and more on the Hive blockchain with community support.

Our members earn auto-upvote rewards from the Carib DAO Hive Account.

Contact the team on Discord → to participate.

Get access to exclusive airdrops and white-lists by being active and participating in community activities:  

- Social Media Raids

- Crypto-box bin (Binance Red Packets)

- Live Streams and AMAs

- Much More

Join us on Discord →


Play to earn STARFISH ⭐️ that are worth their weight in $CARIB!

Build your beach hotel as tall as you can to top the leaderboard and win!

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