Carib DAO (CARIB) Token Contract Address:

The native token of the Carib DAO is the CARIB token. CARIB enables an efficient, transparent, and secure ecosystem.

1 CARIB = 1 Vote

Each holder is a member of Carib DAO. 

2% Reflection

CARIB holders receive 2% of all transfer fees shared proportionately. 

Powered by BNB Chain

CARIB lives on BNB Smart Chain, a industry leader in smart contracts, DeFi, and DApp development.

Web 3.0 Enabled

Welcome to the Metaverse. CARIB gives you access to exclusive NFT's, blogging rewards, and social equity.


Trade on CARIB Swap, a simple decentralized swap exchange tailored to the Caribbean.

Super-fast Transactions

Transfer CARIB to your peers in seconds. Each transaction takes ~3 seconds to be confirmed on the blockchain. 

Compounding Benefits

Similar to traditional crowdfunding platforms: Carib DAO proposals offer incentives to investors. Unlike traditional platforms: all Carib DAO members share the benefits.

Community DAO

All members have an equal opportunity to vote on quorums, thresholds, and other proposal requirements.

CARIB Tokenomics

100,000,000 (100m) Cap

Scarcity is built in to CARIB via the relatively low max cap on tokens. With only 100m tokens available, members become part of an exclusive club.

This cap can not be changed and is enforced by the CARIB token contract.

CARIB DAO Ecosystem 

The CARIB Token provides access to a growing ecosystem built by DAO members. Each CARIB represents one vote on our proposal boards and enables the holder to access real-world benefits.

Shared DAO Fees

Each CARIB transfer "reflects" a *2% fee to all holders, shared proportionally to the amount of CARIB held. This provides many benefits:

- Incentive to Hodl
- Deters spam

*2% transfer tax shared to holders.

Member-Owned & Locked Liquidity Pools

CARIB's initial distribution includes 27 member-owned liquidity pools with the following minimum requirements:

- PancakeSwap V3 LP
- LP locked for 5 years
- ~3M CARIB in each position


CARIB Audit(s) & KYC

The Carib DAO (CARIB) token contract has been audited and/or KYC done by the following: